On May 13, 2025, Windom Area Schools District voters will be asked to consider a $27.5 million bond question to upgrade fine arts and athletics facilities at Windom Area High School.

How does Ag2School Credit Impact this Project?

Ag2School Credit is state aid that will pay for 70% of the increase in taxes on Ag Land for this type of bond.

  • 60% of our tax base is farmland.

    60% of the $27.5M is $16.5M.   This would be the amount ag land owners would pay, but Ag2School accounts for 70% of the ag land increase. 

  • 70% of $16.5M is $11.5M in State Aid (approximately 41% of the project). 

  • Of the $27.5 million, $11.5 million will be covered in state aid through Ag2School Credit.

Windom students showcase their talents every day across academics, arts, and athletics. We are proud to offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities so that every student can find their passion. However, to uphold our mission of Learning. Leading. Excelling. Together. it is clear that our facilities require significant upgrades.

The record-high flooding in the summer of 2024 had a significant impact on the Windom area, creating an urgent need for a district facility assessment. In response, a task force of community members, parents, and staff came together to identify challenges and explore potential solutions. Through this process, high-priority improvements to the high school were identified:

• Outdoor Needs: A relocated athletic complex, practice fields, track replacement, and additional parking.

• Indoor Needs: A fine arts center, wrestling room, gymnastics space, and remodeled locker rooms.


From flooded football and baseball fields to hosting concerts in a gymnasium, our district lacks reliable, high-quality performance and activity venues. The Windom Area School Board spent more than a year assessing needs. 

island park

Island Park

Outdoor athletic facilities are located off-site at Island Park which is prone to flooding, creating safety, scheduling, and transportation concerns.


Wrestling & Gymnastics

Wrestling and Gymnastics lack dedicated spaces. Wrestling mats are hauled from Mountain Lake often, and gymnastics equipment must be moved between gyms. This is labor intensive and falls on athletes, coaches & parents, taking time away from practice, schoolwork, and family time.



Band and choir concerts are held in the gym, causing acoustic challenges and time-consuming set up and tear down.

locker rooms

Locker Rooms

Locker rooms are outdated with team spaces, showers, and lockers that do not meet the need of students.

lecture hall

Lecture Hall

Lecture hall, where theatre is performed, is outdated - lacking a backstage area, changing rooms, microphones, proper lighting, and storage.



The track is in poor condition and weathered, with significant cracking to the base, lacks accessibility and needs to be replaced.

PROPOSED PROJECTS – Single Ballot Question on May 13, 2025

In Fall 2024, a community-wide survey highlighted the need for improved athletic/activity spaces and a dedicated fine arts center. Guided by community feedback, the School Board revised the project scope, reducing costs by 20%, while ensuring the proposed plan aligns with the community’s values and priorities.

Athletics Facilities

  • Athletic Complex with artificial turf, ticketing, concessions, storage, and restrooms

  • Eight-lane track replacement and practice field

  • Practice fields for soccer and football 

  • Practice fields for baseball and softball

  • Updated locker rooms, weight room, and new wrestling room with accessible stairs and elevator

  • Expanded auxiliary gym for gymnastics with spectator space

Fine Arts Center

  • Dedicated 800-seat auditorium

  • Scene and costume shops with storage

  • Changing/makeup area

  • Lobby space to connect with existing gymnasium lobby

  • Designed for great acoustic performances

  • Fly loft for scene changes

  • Available for school and community performances

Concept Site Map


The table below shows the tax impact for the one bond question on various types and values of properties, calculated over 20 years.

tax chart

Ag Credit Chart


We encourage you to attend one of the upcoming community informational sessions to learn more about the referendum:

Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 7:00 p.m.
The Nest Lobby at Windom Middle and High School

Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | 5:00 p.m.
The Nest Lobby at Windom Middle and High School

Wednesday, May 7, 2025 | 5:00 p.m.
The Nest Lobby at Windom Middle and High School



March 28-May 12, 2025

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Polling Location:

Windom District Office

1400 17th Street, Windom, MN

(Excluding April 18 and April 21)


Tuesday, May 13, 2025

11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Combined Polling Location:

Windom Community Center

1750 Cottonwood Lake Drive, Windom, MN


What is the ballot language?

Shall the board of Independent School District No. 177 (Windom Public Schools), Minnesota be authorized to issue general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $27,500,000 for acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities including, but not limited to, construction of an Athletic Complex and Fine Arts Center, and improvements to the locker room, gymnastics space, and wrestling room?

Why is the district pursuing this project now?

Our Arts and Athletic facilities have been put on the back burner for a long time.  With the need to update the track and the need to explore other options for baseball, soccer, and football due to repeated flooding, it made sense to look holistically at the facilities.  There are efficiencies to doing projects together such as cost saving for equipment mobilization, bond administrative fees, design fees, etc.

What does $27.5 million dollars look like in my personal budget?

For the average homeowner of a $200,000 home, the increase in taxes would be $15 a month. 

How does Ag2School Credit Impact this Project?

Ag2School Credit is state aid that will pay for 70% of the increase in taxes on Ag Land due to this bond.

  • 60% of our tax base is farmland.

    60% of the $27.5M is $16.5M.   This would be the amount ag land owners would pay, but Ag2School accounts for 70% of the ag land increase. 

  • 70% of $16.5M is $11.5M in State Aid (approximately 41% of the project). 

  • Of the $27.5 million, $11.5 million will be covered in state aid through Ag2School Credit.

What is the timeline for the project?

The residents of the Windom School District will vote on the project on May 13, 2025.   If it passes, the district and architects will begin the design and bidding process.  Groundbreaking would take place in the spring of 2026, and the Athletic Complex would be ready for the soccer and football season in the fall of 2026.  The wrestling room, gymnastics space, locker room remodel and Fine Arts Center would be completed by the end of the year in 2027.

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