May 3 - Family Engagement Night - FREE Meal at 5:45
May 3- ART Gallery Walk 6:30-7:30
May 10- 1st-5th Track Meet 12:00-3:00
May 12 - Last day of Girls Who Code
May 17 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Sioux Falls Butterfly House and Aquarium and Sky Zone
May 19 - College and Career Day
May 20 - First Grade Zoo Field Trip to Sioux Falls
May 23 - Summer Skool Ice Cream Truck K-5 12:30 (all students get a treat!)
May 23 - 4th grade Washington Pavilion Field Trip to Sioux Falls
May 26 - 1st and 2nd Grade Terrific Kid Program 9:30 am
May 26 - Third Grade Sky Zone/Science Museum Field Trip to Sioux Falls
May 27 - Second Grade Zoo Field Trip to Sioux Falls
May 27 - 3rd,4th,5th Terrific Kid Program 9:30 am
May 30- No School - Memorial Day
June 1- Early Release Day for Students at 12:30
Elementary Newsletter
Upcoming Events:

Family Night - Tuesday May 3
Please join us for the last Family Night of the school year on May 4 from 5:45-6:30. A FREE Meal will be served at 5:45 followed by a presentation about summer opportunities for students. We will answer questions and help you register your child(ren) for summer activities. Please RSVP here so we can prepare the right amount food! We are looking forward to seeing you on May 3.

The Windom Area Elementary Student Art Gallery Walk
When: Tuesday, May 3rd 6:30-7:30 PM
Where: Windom Area Elementary
Who: Windom Area Elementary students along with their family and friends
Elementary Track Meet - May 10 from 12:00-3:00
Greetings from the Physical Education department! The Elementary Track Meet will be returning this year. The event will be held on May 10th, starting at 12 PM at the WAHS track. First grade through Fifth grade will be competing in the event. The public is welcome to attend. Please have your child wear tennis shoes and loose fit/athletic clothing to compete that day. We are excited to see this event return and are hoping for great weather! If we have poor weather, the makeup date is scheduled for May 12th at 12 PM.

Social Emotional Learning Update
Mrs. Muske's Classes (K-2): During the month of April, students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade spent time learning about Star Qualities which help them to succeed.
Kindergarteners spent time learning about self discipline as their Star Quality to work on. To do this, we read “It’s Hard to be Five” by Jamie Lee Curtis. We explored that sometimes it is very tough to show self control to keep our body calm and mouth quiet when it’s not a preferred task. For the lesson, Mrs. Muske blew bubbles while they practiced self discipline to not pop them even if the bubbles landed on them! That was a very tough (but very fun) task, especially at the kindergarten level! Students did great with this!
First grade students focused their Star Quality lesson on Gratitude. Gratitude is about being thankful for what you have rather than focusing on what you want. Students enjoyed reading “Splat Says Thank You” by Rob Scotten. Students, then, worked on filling in a gratitude jar with things they are thankful for and directed to finish filling in their jars at home with family members.
Second graders learned about the Star Quality of persistence. Together we read “I Wanna Iguana” by Karen Kaufman Orloff. The story is about a boy who shows persistence in asking his mom for a pet iguana. Students were reminded that this sort of persistence may not work at home in requesting a pet. (Hopefully, parents have not noticed an influx of iguana or other pet requests!) However, hard work always pays off when it comes to chores and school work! Even if it is hard, we should keep trying and not give up!
Mrs. Pletcher's Classes (3rd-5th): As we think about wrapping up the school year, the Third through Fifth-grade students will be learning about their Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Star Qualities that each of them possess. Students will learn that developing our Star Qualities is important as well as using both our IQ and EQ to have “the most” best days possible, leading to success. In their lessons, students will use a bike visual to learn about IQ and EQ. This helps them understand that they need both tires for the bike to operate correctly and lead them in the direction they want to go. This is related to IQ and EQ as students need to use both of these components to be most successful.