The brand new elementary school is absolutely beautiful! It was designed with 21st Century Learning at the forefront of every decision. The classrooms are spacious with modern technology and features. There are Flexible Learning Areas in every grade level area for student and teacher collaboration purposes. The playground is entry-level, inclusive for all students to play. We continue to be thankful to the Windom Community for supporting education.
Differentiated Instruction will be at the forefront of all learning this year. Teachers will work together to find and fill learning gaps for each student that were created by the pandemic. This will be a year of accelerated growth through the use of targeted interventions and the expert work of our talented teachers.
Windom Elementary will continue to utilize the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Framework to teach students behavioral expectations in school. Building positive relationships with students and proactively establishing routines and expectations lays the groundwork for a successful school year.
We are going to have a great school year at Windom Elementary! We look forward to collaborating with all families to ensure that every child reaches his or her fullest potential.