Laying the Foundation of Lifelong Learning
By Guest Contributor Junior Hannah Colbert
The time spent in school greatly influences young adults as they prepare for the world beyond our school walls. How did the experiences within Windom Schools help prepare Windom grads for their lives now? Chris Hemsworth (AKA Thor in the Marvel Comic Universe) once said, “As kids, our experiences shape our opinions of ourselves and the world around us, and that’s who we become as adults.”
Windom alumni were asked how Windom Schools contributed to where they are now. A theme emerged among the answers; Windom Schools offered the classes and skill development through course offerings and activity involvement they needed to start on their career pathway. Current SDSU student and 2017 graduate Madison Maras highlighted this by saying “I was able to take advantage of college classes I needed for my desired career choice...which helped me save money in the long run.” Current Avera Doctor and 2003 graduate, Dr. Stephanie Buhler highlighted her involvement in activities and classroom experiences by adding “I learned a lot from my teachers and coaches through my classes and extracurricular activities that helped teach me accountability for my actions.” Additionally, current 2nd grade teacher at Jackson County Central Schools and 2012 Windom Schools graduate Sarah Theesfeld added “I am still involved in extracurriculars as a softball coach and musical choreographer that I had my first taste of as a student at Windom Schools.”
Alumni were asked about the ways in which Windom Schools played a role in preparing them for their careers. Dylan Colbert is currently in his second and final year of college as a diesel mechanics major and his answer to this question was simple, “Windom schools provided me with class offerings in industrial technology and applied sciences that have formed the foundation for his current path.” Industrial Technology teacher and 2013 Windom graduate Jacob Johnson had a tremendous impact on Colbert, adding “(Mr. Johnson) taught me responsibility and lot of applicable skills toward my trade." Sarah Theesfeld pointed to her experience as a Teaching Assistant in Mrs. LaMaack’s 2nd grade class as a key factor in helping her on a path toward her eventual teaching career, as did Current Windom 6th grade teacher and 2001 Windom graduate Crystal Fast stating “I went to Mrs. LaCanne’s third grade class as a Teaching Assistant and it showed me that I wanted to be a teacher.”
At Windom Schools, students build strong connections with students and staff that form the foundation of lifelong learning. Teachers not only teach the subject they are certified for, but also life lessons that are essential for growing up and having success in the world beyond our walls. Current USD student and 2018 Windom graduate Kaden Elder echoed the importance of relationships saying “ was all about the relationships I built with the people inside and outside of the school. The school opened a lot of doors for me to develop people skills within the community.” The friendships forged also play a vital role in future success as Dylan Colbert added “It (Windom Schools) gave me a good network of friends that I value greatly.” Crystal Fast pointed to past teachers Mr. Wendorff and Mr. Scripture who both not only showed her she wanted to coach but also taught her discipline and the skills she would need to go on and be the head coach she is today. Samantha Baloun, current Physical Education teacher for Windom Schools and 2007 graduate pointed out the positive relationships formed while a student in Windom by adding “the impact (of Windom Schools) was finding a friend, someone to help through tough times.” For Baloun, that person was Middle School Science teacher Charlotte Suess, “we built such a great relationship and I am still thankful for her continued support and care for being an educator.”
Finally, according to Windom alumni, why should students attend Windom Schools? According to Crystal Fast “We’re always being innovative and trying to better our options for students, we always have more to learn, but we are always looking to better the academic and athletic activity options for our students.” Dylan Colbert added “there is a sense of school spirit like no other.” Dr. Buhler added, “Windom Schools is devoted to education and offers a diverse curriculum that can help you explore your interests and set you off in the right direction for your future.” Current Minnesota State University, Mankato student and 2017 graduate Christian Lohrenz pointed out, “Windom Schools is filled with excellent leaders who helped guide me to be a leader. They pushed me to be an avid learner, with a variety of skills in my pocket.”
Windom Schools provides students with the tools and guidance needed for future career success, but also the opportunity to build lifelong relationships through rich experiences in a multitude of experiences both in and out of the classroom. We are very proud of our alumni who contributed to this piece; Samantha (Harrold) Baloun (2007), Dr. Stephanie (Hacker) Buhler (2003), Dylan Colbert (2018), Kaden Elder (2018), Crystal (Fredin) Fast (2001), Jacob Johnson (2013), Christian Lohrenz (2017), Madison Maras (2017), & Sarah Theesfeld (2012).